Proudly serving the Waterloo / Cedar Falls, Iowa metropolitan area since 1972

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Met Transit service is open to the general public.


Fixed route service hours:     Monday - Friday: 5:45AM - 6:15PM     Saturday: 7:15AM - 6:15PM.


There is no bus service on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day (July 4th), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, or Christmas Day.


A transfer enables you to switch buses to reach your destination, without having to pay additional fare.  Transfers may be used for one-way trips only, not for riding to a destination and using the transfer to return home.  Transfer passes are good for one hour.

Printed Maps

Route maps are available at the Central Transfer station and on the buses. They are also available at many public locations in Waterloo and Cedar Falls, as well as in our office located at 1515 Black Hawk St. The Route 10 HCC schedule is not included on our Route map. This schedule can be found at all locations listed above. They can also be picked up on Campus at the Hawkeye Center.

Routes Timepoints and Maps

Route 1 A/B (Blue)

Route 2 (Red)

Route 3 (Green)

Route 4 (Orange)

Route 5 Crossroads (Tan)

Route 6 Cedar Falls (Yellow)

Route 7 Cedar Falls (Yellow)

Route 8 Loop (Grey)

Route 9 Cedar Falls (Purple)

Route 10 HCC (Gold)